Supabase is an open-source alternative to Firebase, offering real-time databases, authentication services, and file storage. It is built atop PostgreSQL, providing robust SQL querying capabilities and seamless integration with existing tools and frameworks. Supabase also features an intuitive web interface for effortless management of users and data.

How to use Supabase in Devv

Step by step guidence arround Supabase setup

Step 1: Create a Supabase account

You can create a new account here or sign in to your existing supabase account

Step 2: Create a new project in Supabase

Click on + New Project, complete the necessary fields, and allow a few minutes for setup.

Step 3: Connect Supabase to Devv

  1. You could see a Supabase button in the right side of our navbar, click it and you will be redirected to a new window.
  2. Login to your supabase account in the new window, and select your organization.
  3. You will be redirected to a page, which allows you to select/create a project and connect this Supaabse project to your Devv project.

After selecting project, you will be redirected back to Devv. If you click the config button in navbar, you will see there are a few environment variables have been set. Now you have successfully integrate Supabase into Devv!

Use Supabase in pratice

Create a social media API with post, comment and likes and store data in Supabase.